Endocrinologic & Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee Roster:
HHS Employees from Both Advisory Panels (i.e. Meridia and Lorcaserin) –
- Curtis J. Rosebraugh, M.D., M.P.H. (Director) - curtis.rosebraugh@fda.hhs.gov
- Mary H. Parks, M.D. (Director) - mary.parks@fda.hhs.gov
- Eric Colman, M.D. (Deputy Director) - eric.colman@fda.hhs.gov
- Monique Falconer, M.D., M.S. (Clinical Reviewer) - monique.falconer@fda.hhs.gov
- David Hoberman, Ph.D. (Statistician, Div. of Biometrics) - david.hoberman@fda.hhs.gov
- Katherine M. Flegal, Ph.D. - katherine.flegal@cdc.hhs.gov
- Edward W. Gregg, Ph.D. - edward.gregg@cdc.hhs.gov
- Michael A. Proschan, Ph.D. - Michael.Proschan@nih.hhs.gov
- Julie K. Golden, M.D. (Clinical Reviewer) - julie.golden@fda.hhs.gov
- Fred K. Alavi (Pharmacology/Toxicology Reviewer) - fred.alavi@fda.hhs.gov
- Todd M. Bourcier, Ph.D. (Pharmacologist Team Leader) - todd.bourcier@fda.hhs.gov
- David D. Waters, M.D. - David.Waters@nih.hhs.gov
- Dennis O. Dixon, Ph.D. - Dennis.Dixon@nih.hhs.gov
- Paul Tran (Designated Federal Official) - Paul.Tran@fda.hhs.gov
Others from Board -
********Department of Health & Human Sevices (HHS)********
(click on links below for further leadership contact info)
More info on the officials & the leadership flow can be obtained here: http://www.whorunsgov.com/Profiles/Kathleen_Sebelius
- HHS Employee Directory -
- Email addresses for officials from the HHS website –
Operating Divisions:
1) Kathleen Sebelius (Secretary of the Dept. HHS) - Kathleen.Sebelius@hhs.gov
(Quote by Sebelius on HHS site - “Our Administration is committed to eliminating the barriers between the American people & their government, & we want to ensure government is open & accountable to you.”)
à TAKE NOTICE of “Accountability”
2) William V. Corr, J.D. (Deputy Secretary HHS) – email N/A
3) Laura Petrou ( Chief of Staff HHS) - COS_info@hhs.gov
4) Dawn L. Smalls (Executive Secretary) - Dawn.Smalls@hhs.gov
5) Oliver Potts (Dir., Office of Documents & Regulations Management HHS) - Oliver.Potts@hhs.gov
6) Counselors to the Secretary - Counselors@hhs.gov
a. Rima Cohen - Counselors to the Secretary for Health Policy
b. Dora L. Hughes, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.P. - Counselor for Science & Public Health
c. Sharon Parrott - Counselor to the Secretary for Human Services Policy
7) Margaret A. Hamburg M.D. (FDA Cmsr.)- Margaret.Hamburg@fda.hhs.gov
8) Kathy Greenlee (Assistant Secretary for Aging) - Kathy.Greenlee@aoa.hhs.gov
9) Mary K. Wakefield, Ph.D., R.N. (Administrator HRSA) - Administrator@hrsa.gov
10) Carolyn M. Clancy, M.D. (Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality) - Dir.@ahrq.hhs.gov
11) Thomas Frieden M.D. (Dir. CDC, Administrator Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry) - Tomfrieden@cdc.gov
12) Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D. (Dir., National Institutes of Health (NIH)) - execsec1@od.nih.gov
13) Daniel R. Levinson (Inspector General, Office of Inspector General) - paffairs@oig.hhs.gov
14) Dr. Donald M. Berwick Administrator, (Ctr.s for Medicare & Medicaid Services) - AskCMSquestions@cms.hhs.gov
------FDA –--------
List of FDA Leadership Profiles:
1) Margaret A. Hamburg M.D. (FDA Cmsr.)- Margaret.Hamburg@fda.hhs.gov
2) Joshua M. Sharfstein, M.D. (Principal Deputy Cmsr.) - joshua.sharfstein@fda.hhs.gov
3) Russell Abbott (Deputy Cmsr. for Administration) - russell.abbott@fda.hhs.gov
4) David Dorsey, J.D. (Acting Deputy Cmsr. for Policy, Planning, & Budget) - david.dorsey@fda.hhs.gov
5) Murray M. Lumpkin, M.D.(Deputy Cmsr. for International Programs) - murray.lumpkin@fda.hhs.gov
6) Ralph S. Tyler, J.D. (Chief Counsel) - ralph.tyler@fda.hhs.gov
7) John M. Taylor III, J.D.(Counselor to the Cmsr.) - john.taylor2@fda.hhs.gov
8) Jeanne Ireland (Assistant Cmsr. for Legislation) - jeanne.ireland@fda.hhs.gov
9) Michael A. Chappell (Acting Associate Cmsr. for Regulatory Affairs) - michael.chappell@fda.hhs.gov
10) Beth Martino (Associate Cmsr. for External Affairs) - beth.martino@fda.hhs.gov
11) Lawrence R. Deyton, M.S.P.H., M.D. (Dir., Ctr. for Tobacco Products) - lawrence.deyton@fda.hhs.gov
12) Bernadette Dunham, D.V.M., Ph.D.(Dir., Ctr. for Veterinary Medicine) - bernadette.dunham@fda.hhs.gov
13) Michael M. Landa, J.D. (Acting Dir., Ctr. for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition) - michael.landa@fda.hhs.gov
14) Karen Midthun, M.D. (Dir., Ctr. for Biologics Evaluation & Research) - karen.midthun@fda.hhs.gov
15) Jeffrey E. Shuren, M.D., J.D.(Dir., Ctr. for Devices & Radiological Health) - jeff.shuren@fda.hhs.gov
16) William Slikker, Jr., Ph.D. (Dir., National Ctr. for Toxicological Research) - william.slikker@fda.hhs.gov
17) Janet Woodcock, M.D (Dir., Ctr. for Drug Evaluation & Research) - janet.woodcock@fda.hhs.gov
18) FDA Ctr. for Drug Evaluation & Research (CDER):
- Contact FDA Ctr. for Drug Evaluation & Research (CDER) – (Fill out form on Site)
“Information about drug products currently in review at FDA is confidential. If you know the manufacturer/sponsor, please contact them directly.
19) Cardiovascular & Renal Drugs Advisory Committee:
Elaine Ferguson, M.S., R.Ph., (Designated Federal Official) - Elaine.Ferguson@fda.hhs.gov
20) Office of Compliance - “Vision: Through excellence in risk- and science-based policy, surveillance, and enforcement, we prevent consumer exposure to unnecessary risk from drugs throughout their lifecycle.”
- Deborah Autor, Esq., Director (FDA Office of Compliance) - deborah.autor@fda.hhs.gov
Office of Compliance
10903 New Hampshire Avenue
Bldg. 51, Rm 5271
Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002
21) Office of New Drugs - “Our Mission - To ensure that safe and effective drugs and biologics are available to the American people.”
- John Jenkins, M.D., Director (Office of New Drugs) - john.jenkins@fda.hhs.gov
- Sandra Kweder, M.D., Deputy Director (Office of New Drugs) - sandra.kweder@fda.hhs.gov
Office of New Drugs
Fax: 301-796-9856
Immediate Office - Mail Stop 6311
10903 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20993
22) Office of Oncology Drug Products Divisions & Programs:
- Richard Pazdur, M.D. - Dir., Div. of Oncology Drug Products - richard.pazdur@fda.hhs.gov
Food & Drug Administration
Ctr. for Drug Evaluation & Research
Division of Drug Oncology Products
5901-B Ammendale Road
Beltsville, MD 20705-1266
23) Division of Drug Oncology Products (DDOP)
- Robert Justice, M.D.(Director) - robert.justice@fda.hhs.gov
- Ann Farrell, M.D. (Deputy Director) - ann.farrell@fda.hhs.gov
- Anthony Murgo, M.D. (Acting Deputy Director) - anthony.murgo@fda.hhs.gov
- Amna Ibrahim, M.D. (Deputy Director of Safety) - amna.ibrahim@fda.hhs.gov
Co-Chiefs, Project Management Staff:
- Frank Cross - frank.crossjr@fda.hhs.gov
- Alice Kacuba, R.N., M.S.N. - alice.kacuba@fda.hhs.gov
Mailing Address:
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Division of Drug Oncology Products
5901-B Ammendale Road
Beltsville, MD 20705-1266
24) Office of Pharmaceutical Science (OPS)
- Helen N. Winkle, (Director) - helen.winkle@fda.hhs.gov
- Keith O. Webber, Ph.D. (Deputy Director) - keith.webber@fda.hhs.gov
25) Office of New Drug Quality Assessment
- Moheb Nasr, Ph.D. (Director) - moheb.nasr@fda.hhs.gov
- Christine Moore, Ph.D. (Acting Deputy Director) - christine.moore@fda.hhs.gov
10903 New Hampshire Avenue HFD-800
Silver Spring, MD 20993
Phone: (301) 796-1900
Fax: (301) 796-9748
26) Office of Biotechnology Products (OBP)
"The mission of the Office of Biotechnology Products is to protect public health by assuring the quality, safety, efficacy, availability and security of therapeutic protein and monoclonal antibody products."
- Steve Kozlowski, M.D. (Director) - steven.kozlowski@fda.hhs.gov
27) Office of Testing and Research Mission
- Vincent L. Vilker, Ph.D. (Director) - vincent.vilker@fda.hhs.gov
The mission of the Office of Testing and Research is to:
* Advance the scientific basis of regulatory policy
* Assure that regulatory policy and decision making are based on the best available science
Federal Research Center
White Oak Office Building #22
10903 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20993
Phone: (301) 796-1213 Fax: (301) 796-9859
28) Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis
- Lucinda Buhse, Ph.D. (Director) - lucinda.buhse@fda.hhs.gov
Benjamin Westenberger, Deputy Director
1114 Market St. Room 1002
St. Louis, Missouri 63101
Phone: (314) 539-2135 Fax: (314) 539-2113
29) Office of Translational Sciences
- Shaavhree Buckman, MD, PhD (Acting Director) - shaavhree.buckman@fda.hhs.gov
Overview - "OTS was established to promote efficient and informative study designs and data analysis methods to quantitatively evaluate the efficacy, safety, and dosing of drugs through collaboration among the Office of Biostatistics, Office of Clinical Pharmacology, and other offices in CDER and Centers in FDA. We foster novel drug development strategies through research and application of statistical and mathematical modeling and simulation techniques in the review and analysis of data in the areas of exposure-response, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacogenomics, bioequivalence assessment, clinical trials, quantitative risk assessment, toxicology, and product quality assessment."
White Oak Building 22 - Room 5300
10903 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002
Phone: 301-796-2600
Fax: 301-796-9907
29) Office of Biostatistics Organization
- Robert T. O'Neill, PhD, (Director) - robert.oneill@fda.hhs.gov
- S. Edward Nevius, PhD, (Deputy Director) - sedward.nevius@fda.hhs.gov
- Sue-Jane Wang, PhD, (Associate Director, Pharmacogenomics) - suejane.wang@fda.hhs.gov
- Ram Tiwari, PhD, (Associate Director) - ram.tiwari@fda.hhs.gov
- George Rochester, PhD, (Acting Associate Director) - george.rochester@fda.hhs.gov
*****Public Advocates*******
Below are links to public advocates that need to be informed of the FDA & Advisory Panels questionable actions.
1) The Obesity Society (!!!Meeting in SanDiego Oct 8-12!!!)
2) Obesity Action Coalition
3) Council on Size & Weight Discrimination
4) New York City Coalition Against Hunger (a must read report)
5) Health Advocate
6) British Columbia Association of Bariatric Advocates
7) Obesity Law & Advocacy Ctr.
1) The Obesity Society (!!!Meeting in SanDiego Oct 8-12!!!)
2) Obesity Action Coalition
3) Council on Size & Weight Discrimination
4) New York City Coalition Against Hunger (a must read report)
5) Health Advocate
6) British Columbia Association of Bariatric Advocates
7) Obesity Law & Advocacy Ctr.
Links for Poeple to contact there senators: | |
https://writerep.house.gov/writerep/welcome.shtml | |
http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm |
Wow, impresive list. I think we also need to contact Congressmen to help us in our efforts.